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Your Warranty Id is

Your tires have been successfully registered for year(s) warranty. We have sent a confirmation email to

Warranty Notice

We thank you for registering your warranty with Apollo. We understand that you have read the Warranty Notice prior to filling up this warranty form for registering your tyre. The information that you provide us in this warranty form will be used by Apollo only for the following purposes:

  • Give you a warranty registration number that can be used by you for all future claims;
  • To verify that the claim of warranty is within the warranty period, as mentioned in warranty notice;

The information given by you helps Apollo in providing better service and contact you in case of any warranty claims or information. If you have opted to receive alerts on promotions, reminders and tyre guide, it will only be used for said purposes and you have an option to withdraw anytime you desire. Please see our Website Privacy Notice to learn more about how we process your data, or feel free to contact us at



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